segunda-feira, 10 de outubro de 2011

Ranking of "Soap Operas" 10/03 - 10/08

Globo's Soap Operas have plummeted this week. "Fina Estampa" marked the worst average since its debut in August. "A vida da Gente", a reprise of "Mulheres de Areia" and the new season of "Malhação" follow down.

The penultimate week of "Morde e Assopra" also fell but remained above 30 points, a rate considered excellent for the time of 19h. In the SBT and Record the serial maintained their rates.

Fina Estampa - 36 points - GLOBO
 Morde e Assopra - 31 points - GLOBO
A vida da Gente - 22 points - GLOBO
 O Astro - 19 points - GLOBO
 Malhação - 15 points - GLOBO
 Mulheres de Areia - 14 points - GLOBO
 Vidas em Jogo - 11 points - RECORD
 Rebelde - 9 points - RECORD
 Amor e Revolução - 5 points - SBT
10° Amigas e Rivais - 5 points - SBT

Source: Planeta TV

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